"アエロテック シャフト SteelFiber i70cw Taper tip Iron Shafts" - 通販SHOPnaviショッピング-

"アエロテック シャフト SteelFiber i70cw Taper tip Iron Shafts"

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"アエロテック シャフト SteelFiber i70cw Taper tip Iron Shafts"


"The lightest SteelFiber shaft in our lineup is a great shaft for those slower swing speed players looking to raise ball flight and gain as much yardage as possible. This iron golf shaft is offered in a wide range of flexes and can hold up to even the most demanding swings. If a player is looking for all of the swing speed they can get or they're looking to play the golf club substantially over length and want to maintain a reasonable swing weight the i70 is the right choice.“The i70 is available in both Taper tip and parallel tip configurations. All Taper tip models also incorporate a “Constant Weight” feature. Therefore each shaft within the set (regardless of length) weigh the same.High modulus graphite coreOver 59 miles of steel fiber covers the entire surface of each shaftEach steel fiber has a diameter of 8 microns or approximately 1/10th the diameter of a human hair."


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