"Aussie Chiller Bushie Perforated Hats" - 通販SHOPnaviショッピング-

"Aussie Chiller Bushie Perforated Hats"

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"Aussie Chiller Bushie Perforated Hats"

"Aussie Chiller"

"Aussie Chiller Bushie Perforated HatsKeep cool on hot summer days with the Aussie Chiller Bushie Perforated Hat. This uniquely designed hat is soft, ultra-light and provides superior ventilation. Simply soak the hat in chilled water for a refreshing cold feel for those hot summer golf days, hikes or even for gardening.&#8226 Made of a rich and soft ultra-light chamois fabric that will not fade&#8226 Uniquely perforated design provides superior ventilation and blocks sun&#8226 Designed to be soaked in chilled water for a cooling headwear&#8226 Chillers remain very cool for 5+ minutes and quite cold for 15+ minutes&#8226 Cooling comfort will last for 1-3 hours or until dry&#8226 Quickly re-chill with a refreshing splash when necessary&#8226 Shockingly lightweight and twice as rugged&#8226 Soft wireless brim holds shape&#8226 Stops sweat before it stains&#8226 Washable, crushable and never loses shape&#8226 Sizes: Medium (6½"" - 7"") • Large (7"" - 7½"") • X-Large(7½"" - 7¾"") 商品番号:AUC0001 商品名:Aussie Chiller Bushie Perforated HatsProducts Code:AUC0001 Products Name:Aussie Chiller Bushie Perforated Hats"


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