Shaft Stabilizer Kit with AMT for Woods |
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Shaft Stabilizer Kit with AMT for Woodsシャフト スタビライザー キットウィズ AMT フォー ウッドお客様満足度98%超のシャフト安定器具!!NASA のエンジニアが開発!!米各誌が絶賛のシャフトスタビライザー。これは本当に魔法のような棒!グリップエンドに専用ツールで穴をあけ装着するだけで劇的な変化をもたらします。スイングの安定性を著しく向上させ、スイートスポットでボールをヒットできるようにさせてくれる夢のような器具なんです!セットアップも簡単に自分で装着できますよ〜。是非お試し下さい。※こちらのスタビライザーはウッド専用です。付属キット(グリップエンドに穴をあけるツール・特殊な六角レンチ・取り外し用ツール)が含まれております。「Shaft Stabilizer Kit with AMT for Woods」The Shaft Stabilizer with AMT for drivers/woods, allows you to put the correct amount of mass in the correct location allowing you to hit more fairways. No matter if you have a slice, a hook or are just looking for more consistency, this is the weight for you. Concentrating the weight at the butt end of the grip tends to straighten out a slice. Concentrating the weight at the head end of the grip, straightens out a hook. AMT, "Adjustable Moment of Inertia Technology" increases shaft MOI by as much as 1550 g-cm2, maximizing inertial stability. The Shaft Stabilizer with AMT is designed to enhance "feel," engineered to maximize efficiency, Tour tested for performance, and is made in the USA. 商品番号:BCG0004 商品名:Shaft Stabilizer Kit with AMT for WoodsProducts Code:BCG0004 Products Name:Shaft Stabilizer Kit with AMT for Woods