"Clicgear Tour Bag Kits" |
ClicGear |
¥3,137 |
フェアウェイゴルフインク(387471) |
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"Clicgear Tour Bag Kitsこれさえあれば日本仕様のキャディバッグやツアーバッグに対応できます!!キャディバッグがピッタリ取り付け可能です。クリックギアのモデル1.0、2.0、3.0、3.5+に対応!!The Clicgear Tour Bag Kit allows for tour bags to fit on the Clicgear Model 1.0 to 3.5+ Carts.The Clicgear Tour Bag Kit can quickly be installed to allow larger tour bags with front shoe pockets to adapt and fit on the Clicgear carts, models 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5+. Perfect for semi-professional players who want to use their regular tour bag with a Clicgear pushcart. Some assembly is required.商品番号:CLG0033 商品名:Clicgear Tour Bag KitsProducts Code:CLG0033 Products Name:Clicgear Tour Bag Kits"