Clicgear Booster Clips |
ClicGear |
¥1,765 |
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Clicgear Booster ClipsThe Clicgear® Booster Clip can help boost up stand bags or tour bags that need more clearance above the front wheel. The Booster Clip fits on the cart in seconds and can solve some clearance issues with some stand bags that rub on the front wheel. The clip can also be used with the Tour Bag Kit as an easier way to adjust the bag position away from the front wheel. Designed to Fit Perfectly on our Clicgear Model 1.0 ~ 3.5 Carts商品番号:CLG0039 商品名:Clicgear Booster ClipsProducts Code:CLG0039 Products Name:Clicgear Booster Clips