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"Jones Players Series Carry Bag"

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"Jones Players Series Carry Bag"

"Jones Sports "

"Jones Players Series Carry BagSimplify and golf. The Players Series bag embodies the Jones motto by naturally appealing to those who prefer to experience the course on foot. With minimal and understated aesthetics, it equips you with everything you need in a golf bag and nothing you don’t. Three pockets provide ample storage for enough necessities to keep you covered for a round or two. The increased mesh sleeve will now accommodate larger water bottles to keep you hydrated, and the re-enforced inner liner will withstand the abuse from the walking golfer. Step up your style by simplifying your bag with Jones Players Series.・Top: 7.5” / 2 way divider・Length: 35""・Pockets: 3 (2) front (1) back・Material: 1260 Nylon, Jones Vinyl・Shoulder Strap: Single・Weight: 3lbs・Hardware: Chrome商品番号:JNS0050 商品名:Jones Players Series Carry Bag"


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