"B1 Blue Strike Impact Position Trainer" - 通販SHOPnaviショッピング-

"B1 Blue Strike Impact Position Trainer"

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"B1 Blue Strike Impact Position Trainer"


"FIX YOUR IMPACT, FIX YOUR BALL FLIGHT The B1 is designed to fix one of recreational golfers most common problems and ingrain all the elements of Tour-level impact; Hit straight and accurately with all your clubs; Add effortless distance thanks to the B1 Blue Strike WITH A LITTLE PRACTICE USINGTHE B1 You’ll enjoy increased distance from the driver through the wedges, no more weak slices or approaches that come up two clubs short; Improved accuracy from tee to green, you’ll start aiming at specific spots instead of hoping to just keep it in play; A penetrating ball flight that pierces the wind; Added backspin for greater stopping power with your irons and hybrids; Consistent, solid ball-striking from shot to shot, round after round, i.e. the stuff low score FEATURE#1 IMPACT BOW A thin, flexible cable looping from the top of the shaft to the top of the grip; Just keep it touching your left wrist through the hitting area until you reach waist-high in the follow-through, and you’ll know you’ve released the club properly; If the ImpactBow separates from your wrist in this zone, it means you’ve flipped it; The Impact Bow is also retractable, so you can hit balls without using it. FEATURE#2THE IMPACT SLIDER In addition to all the info from the Impact Bow and Anti-Flip Compression Sole, the Blue Strike provides auditory feedback as well; The Impact Slider is attached just below the B1’s grip and slides toward the clubhead as you swing down; Time your release just right and you’ll hear the slider hit bottom at the moment of impact; Release even a fraction early and the slider will go whack too soon. FEATURE#3THE ANTI-FLIP COMPRESSION SOLE This feature of the B1 reinforces the hands-ahead position by making you pay for flipping; The B1’s leading edge is beveled at a slight angle, raising the clubface above the ground. If your hands lead at impact, you’ll strike the ball with a solid, downward blow and a square clubface; If not, the B1 will either bottom out before contact or you’ll catch the ball thin; In other words, you can’t cheat this sole."


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