Mitsubishi Kuro Kage TiNi Iron Shaft |
Mitsubishi Chemical |
¥7,948 |
フェアウェイゴルフインク(387471) |
スポーツ・アウトドア |
The KURO KAGE™ TiNi Iron shafts were developed to complement the family of KURO KAGE™ wood and hybrid shafts with TiNi Wire. The next generation KURO KAGE™ TiNi Irons incorporate Titanium Nickel (TiNi) Wire to the Low Resin Content (LRC) prepreg and a smooth overall bend profile with a lower balance point, all in a premium constant weight iron product. This design and materials provide better swing weight without added club head weight, increased stability, in a stable, solid-feeling shaft.スペック