"TaylorMade Ladies Qi Combo Iron Set" - 通販SHOPnaviショッピング-

"TaylorMade Ladies Qi Combo Iron Set"

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"TaylorMade Ladies Qi Combo Iron Set"


"HYBRIDSEXTREME FORGIVENESS & PLAYABILITYThe Women’s Qi10 Max lineup is engineered for extreme forgiveness and playability. Each product is designed to maximize inertia and paired with specific components to deliver made-for-you performance and create more stability at impact. These ultra-high MOI constructions boosts confidence and playability across all skill levels, helping golfers make the most of every swing. Players looking for advanced personalization can choose from a variety of custom options, including shafts, grips and more.IRONSSTRAIGHT DISTANCEStraight distance is at the heart of the Qi irons’ design philosophy. By addressing asymmetrical face flexibility, we’ve unlocked a new level of accuracy and distance. Individual Head Optimization ensures that each iron in the set boasts a distinct face profile and thickness, resulting in consistent face flexibility across the entire bag. This not only lowers the CG but also delivers remarkable distance with every swing, keeping your shots on target with precision and power. The innovative design is further enhanced with specific components to deliver made-for-you performance, ensuring that each golfer experiences optimal results that fits their game.スペックHYBRIDSLOFTHANDLIELENGTHSW4HRH59.5°38.75""C45HRH60°38.25""C4LAUNCH AND SPINHigh Launch / Mid-Low SpinFLIGHT BIASNeutralSHAFT (HIGH FLIGHT)Fujikura Speeder NX TCS 40GRIPLamkin ST Soft Grey/White 0.580 40gIRONSCLUBLOFTLENGTHSWINGWEIGHTHAND6i24.0°36.88""C2RH7i28.0°36.25""C2RH8i32.0°35.75""C2RH9i37.0°35.25""C2RHPW43.0°34.75""C2RHAW48.0°34.5""C2RHLAUNCH AND SPINHigh Launch / Mid SpinFLIGHT BIASNeutralSHAFT (HIGH FLIGHT)Fujikura Speeder NX TCS 40GRIPLamkin ST Soft Grey/White 0.580 40g"


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