"Project X EvenFlow Riptide LX Wood Shaft" - 通販SHOPnaviショッピング-

"Project X EvenFlow Riptide LX Wood Shaft"

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"Project X EvenFlow Riptide LX Wood Shaft"

"True Temper"

"Building off the success of the original EvenFlow, EvenFlow Riptide is designed with improved stability that builds on the widely successful ""even bend"" profile to provide unmatched feel and maximum energy transfer. Riptide is a mid spin/launch design and features Torsional Stability Optimization which allows for an extremely stable shaft while maintaining the signature smooth EvenFlow feel.TEMPO: MODERATETempo is not how fast you swing it, it is how you swing it fast. Tempo will affect how you load and unload the shaft and is a big factor in which shaft will best suit you. A player with a quicker backswing and more aggressive transition will have a faster tempo, while a player with a slower backswing and smoother transition will have a more deliberate tempo.TRAJECTORY: LOWTrajectory is the flight of the ball and the peak height that the ball reaches. A player who struggles with getting the ball in the air should look towards a higher trajectory shaft, while a player who struggles hitting the ball too high should look for a lower trajectory shaft.SPIN: LOWSpin is the amount of backspin that the ball has. The designs of certain golf shafts can promote more or less spin so keep this in mind when looking for a shaft to maximize your game.スペックModelEvenFlow Riptide LX 60FLEX6.06.56.5/TXWEIGHT63g64g67gLENGTH46""46""46""TIP DIAMETER.335"".335"".335""BUTT DIAMETER.640"".640"".630""TORQUE4.44.42.8SPINMidMidMidLAUNCHMidMidMidModelEvenFlow Riptide LX 70FLEX6.06.56.5/TXWEIGHT71g71g75gLENGTH46""46""46""TIP DIAMETER.335"".335"".335""BUTT DIAMETER.640"".640"".620""TORQUE4.24.02.4SPINMidMidMidLAUNCHMidMidMid"


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